

Your Production Will Be Abundant With Peat Soil!

Your Production Will Be Abundant With Peat Soil!

Peat soil type is used in many different areas from seedlings to ornamental plants you look after at home. In addition to the wonderful organic texture offered, it will also provide one of the highest yields you have ever obtained, with its high water holding capacity! The content of the presented soil is formed by going through natural processes. This type of soil, which is formed in lakes or swamps, is fed by turning the plants into fertilizer. Your production will be fertile with peat soil! Moreover, without the need to use fertilizers, the growth and nutrition of your plants will become unique.

Imported Peat

The usage areas of peat, which is an organic soil type, continue to expand. It will be one of the ideal choices for those who grow seedlings. It can be preferred especially for increasing the uptake of seedling roots to the soil. Irrigation problems may occur in companies engaged in mass production. This problem is also eliminated with peat soils with high water holding capacity. Peat soils offer the organic nutrients necessary for the seedlings to be ready for planting. As an additional feature, the fact that the rate of insect is very low is also pleasing. The production stage will be made more qualified with the power of the soil, without the need to use a chemical for repelling insects.

With Peat Soil in House Plants, Your Production Will Be Fertile!

Your production will be fertile with peat soil in house plants! As you never expected. Plants that do not get enough sun and nutrients at home need to be supported at least in the context of the soil in order to become more lush. In this way, your plants will gain a much more qualified texture. The wonderful texture of the soil, which already contains many nutritious fertilizer products, pleases.

Great Alternative for Mushroom Production

Peat soil exhibits an ideal posture for mushroom production. Especially with its moist structure and airy texture, it is among the soil types preferred by people who grow cultivated mushrooms. It will also be a great alternative to increase the productivity and benefit of the crop that will be revealed during mushroom production. It is seen that all kinds of plants grown on peat soil display a great stance in terms of productivity compared to other soil types. This also applies to fruit trees and seedlings.